The ENERGEX METHOD BOOSTER REPORT, like all of my other “Booster” reports, was designed specifically to optimize the application of the original method and to function as a user’s guide to accomplish this task. Taking advantage of this critical information is guaranteed to increase each individual strategy’s win rate. Two ‘Beta’ testers were utilized to assist in the compilation and analysis of the method’s performance data, accumulated from over 14-years of actual play!
By marginalizing the number of “playable” situations, certain critical revelations, when incorporated into the original playing strategy, are certain to considerably benefit the user’s strategy success rate. Simply put, users will be playing in more “high win” scenarios than before, eliminating many of the situations that are pre-disposed to losing. Decreasing losing plays always means more profits!
To produce these maximum results, The report determined an optimum and precise layoff time together with a particular class change and distance switch to look for. These items alone are key factors that make the Energex “move” a winner, and they have done so time and time again. But this report includes other critical information including: the worst combination of variables to look for; the optimum class move; when exactly to play the router over the sprinter; and other basics like what are the optimal odds for play.
Knowing the best winning condition combination is always an edge in handicapping, and even more so with Energex! If you already have Energex, the Energex Booster will be the bullet that hits home. It is the information that makes a good “angle” a playing strategy!
Includes a 7-point summary of past result observations and statistics including the rising or lowering of class, routes or sprints, distance switches and length of layoffs. The summary ends with the report’s key statistic: the exact combination of variables producing the highest winning combination (by a ratio of more than 2:1).
Concludes with 9 selection process suggestions including a listing of active trainers known to have used the Energex “play” on a successful basis over the years.
Be prepared to achieve “maximum strategy effectiveness”!
$25 -(download edition)
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