
Dark Horse Secret

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $25.00.

Occasionally all of us receive the “word” on certain hot horses; we never actually received the “key”.John Madigan found the concept. For the AVERAGE player.

Author: Wes Fairbank
SKU: TR-117 Category: Product ID: 5641



Weston (Wes) Fairbank was one of the nation’s leading thoroughbred handicappers thirty or so years ago. He has been retired in Miami for the last ten…..playing golf, fishing and, of course, GOING TO THE TRACK!

Wes had developed a powerful racing strategy during the nineties and marketed it nationally under the name of “THE DARK HORSE SECRET”. And now we introduce the name of John Madigan.

Madigan, is a well-known professional horse player in his own right.  Based out of Astoria, NY, John is known in the racing circles for providing the famous gambler “Jimmy the Greek” with much of his horse racing “inside information”. His handicapping prowess at Saratoga and Belmont has become legendary. John is also a top contributing editor to the Gaming Master’s Newsletter, working with his long-time colleague Arthur Stanley.

John was contracted a few years ago by Wes to independently review and test the then twenty- year old DARK HORSE SECRET strategy. Wes was looking into the possibilities of re-marketing his strategy through the internet and the Gambler’s Emporium. Wes knew his system still won for him on a regular basis in Florida ….and he was confident present-day players would “thrive” on its powerful “class averaging” approach. So to be certain, John was retained to test “Dark Horse” under today’s current racing standards. Would it work with simulcasting? Would it win on synthetic tracks? Would it work with today’s speed figures?

Wes was confident he still had a winner…and he wanted a professional player like John to prove it for him. For a nice fee, John agreed to Beta Test the method at various tracks for three months.

In order to accomplish this task, Wes needed THE DARK HORSE SECRET to be thoroughly evaluated using today’s readily available handicapping information. His belief was that all of the handicapping data he used 20 years ago was still both available and applicable in today’s racing venue…..with one minor exception. The old system used the Racing Form “Speed Rating” in order to evaluate its contenders. Wes claimed substituting the Beyers or Equibase Number for the old “Speed Rating”, in the rare instances that it was required, would produce even better overall results today. John was hired to prove these facts.   AND HE DID!

So John Madigan was hired to test THE DARK HORSE SECRET using today’s current Racing Form data.  Was it still a winner for today’s horseplayer?  Could it be used for OTB, and internet play? Could Wes sell this system again – over twenty years later?  

John tested THE DARK HORSE SECRET for three months. He played it almost every day at various tracks and under all conditions.  Rain or shine, turf or dirt, short races or long.

John was startled by the results: As John put it: “Even though this system is over twenty years old, it didn’t matter!  It works like a charm, and using any of today’s available speed figures!” (It works so well John currently includes THE DARK HORSE SECRET angle in his personal handicapping processes).


The sample races included in the strategy were particularly selected to illustrate the most common types of races likely to be encountered on a regular basis. They show precisely how to apply the strategy’s innovative two-step elimination technique in different types of races and under all conditions. Actual Racing Form charts are used to clearly illuminate the “Dark Horse” in the race. A unique “Class Averaging” methodology with race recency requirements completes the process, revealing the fit and ready key contender!

John Madigan found the selection concept to be truly amazing. It is simple, yet is soundly based on a “key” win probability shift that favors only certain horses, ultimately giving these horses a distinct advantage.  Therefore, bet amounts can start at any level because a bankroll will be quickly accumulated as the winners regularly come in.

Although being around for over twenty years, you would think this information would have been discovered by some sharp player by now. WRONG! Aside from a few original purchasers, it has never been “sniffed out” by other handicapping aficionados. After his thorough review, John recommended that this critical handicapping information be made readily available again to the general public. And Wes Fairbank concurred!

Remember, this method requires little to be studied or memorized! The technique is uncluttered, and its playing examples easily allow a new user a quick and accurate path to mastering it. Find out for yourself!

 Get the THE DARK HORSE SECRET at the reduced price of $23   Previously $60





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Weight 1 lbs