The Keem System


“REVERSE STATISTICAL EQUATIONS” is looking at the statistical variations of the LOSERS, then by using the elimination process, you will zero in automatically on the winners!

SKU: TR-161 Category: Product ID: 5705


THE KEEM SYSTEM       by Rutger Keem

You must win at least $1000 based on $20 wagers in the first 20 plays!

By now, almost everybody’s heard of Rutger Keem… the math and statistical whiz from Cologne Germany, who not long ago, released his FANTASTIC system for Horse Racing in the United States. The “KEEM SYSTEM” has been making headlines! Just about every news source has grabbed onto this incredible story of the famous German Scientist beating the tough game of American horse racing!

When I say “beating the game”… I don’t just mean making some profits… I mean winning INCREDIBLE amounts of money… day in and day out… on very small bets! I mean 60%, 70%, and 80% winners… I mean an average of SIX WINNERS each day, no matter what track you play or what the track conditions! But there’s more to his FANTASTIC “KEEM SYSTEM”:




The KEEM SYSTEM is a clever method of selection unlike anything you have ever seen. Some players have called it the “backward system” because it uses “reverse statistical equations”… a remarkable concept!

 “The most powerful system for playing American and Canadian horse racing tracks… has been released to the general racing public… can racing survive?”                       James Towers,”Racing Watch Magazine”

Rutger Keem has been researching the American horse racing scene for many years. Fascinated by horse racing many years ago, when he was visiting New York… to attend a lecture at a major university on statistical logic, Rutger Keem was taken to Aqueduct race track by a friend to fill an otherwise boring afternoon. He immediately saw an incredible challenge before him! He made up his mind right then, that given the proper approach, horse racing was no different than any other scientific problem, and that statistical mathematics would provide the correct approach.

Knowing that all others before him had attacked horse racing from a frontal approach by first finding out what the actual statistics were in regard to those horses who have WON… Keem would use something never tried before… “REVERSE STATISTICAL EQUATIONS”. Very simply, this is looking at the statistical variations of the LOSERS, then, by using the elimination process, you will zero in automatically on the winners!

When you only look at the factors of winning horses you get a distorted view. It doesn’t take into account those horses that had the same factors in their records but did not win! In other words, you only see ONE side… the horses that were successful and not those that lost!

You do not have this problem when you use “Reverse Equations”…because once you eliminate the common factors of the losers, you only have the winners remaining! Another way to put it… it’s not so much what the winners have in common, it is what the winners DO NOT have in common with the losers!

 I’m talking about results that are completely in favor of the user… IN ALMOST EVERY RACE!   This is possible because the “KEEM SYSTEM” is based on each separate result and not results over a period of time. 

 The incredible results of the “KEEM SYSTEM” has put race tracks, OTB parlors, and race books on notice… keep plenty of cash on hand… THE “KEEM” PLAYERS ARE GOING TO BE EVERYWHERE!  

The entire discovery process of the “KEEM SYSTEM” was based on proven scientific methods from solving any given statistical mathematical problem. The “KEEM SYSTEM” was intended to be used by those who have very little or NO knowledge of horse racing!

This is a truly mechanical system, which will potentially win LARGE AMOUNTS OF CAPITAL FOR ALL THOSE THAT FOLLOW THE SIMPLE RULES… and there is no question whatsoever about its ability to do what it’s intended to do… WIN!!

The “KEEM SYSTEM” was sent to a sampling of system buyers and professional authors and players. We’ve reprinted some of their comments below. Not one of these testimonials was written at our request!

 Sir……I don’t know much about math or statistics, since the rules of your system were so simple, I didn’t need to. But I do know when something works! The “Keem System” works! I win money when I use it, and I mean a lot of money! I don’t know why I was given the chance to buy it, but whatever forces were at work, I thank them and thank you..Bob Wallace, Chicago, IL

“Dear Mr. Keem,…..I’ve been winning like a fool with this system of yours! Don’t know how it works, but after two weeks over $4,400 ahead on just $20 bets! Never thought this would happen to me!”                  David Toms, Miami Bch, FL

 Dear Mr. K. …I’m sure you have no idea who I am, but I do know about you and your discovery. I was naturally excited when I received your letter about obtaining a copy of your “Keem System”. After buying dozens of system that I though would turn me into a winner, I expected yours to be like the others. I must admit now, I pre-judged you completely! Not only has the “KEEM SYSTEM” worked for me, it’s worked so well, I no longer work for the company I was employed with for over 17 years!           Darryl Manno, Long Island, NY

 The price for The KEEM SYSTEM is $65